Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bargain Bootcamp is Coming!

I have been approached by several people to host some classes on how to make the most of coupons. So, coming in June: my first Bargain Bootcamp! The details are still in the works, but the plan is that it will be limited to 10 spots! The dates I am considering are Thursday, June 2; Sunday, June 5; and Thursday, June 9. Please chime in if you are interested and if a certain date works better for you.

1) You must comment on this post to reserve your space.

2) Cost will be $10 to cover materials and snacks. For this first class, you can pay at the class. I am not wanting to profit off this, but rather to simply invite some freinds into my world!

3) I will cover the basic info of coupons, convenience store shopping, and how to stay organized and ahead of the game with saving and coupons.

4) There will be prizes and giveaways, and everyone will walk away with tons of useful information and FREE STUFF!

5) I am hoping to make the class last no longer than 2 hours. After that, your brains will be fried! Possible times are 10 am, 12 noon, and 3 pm (Sunday).


  1. I am interested! You gave me the great advice on how to save on the Keurig cups, now I am hooked!

  2. Super! Spots are filling up. I will send along more info soon. :) Looking to keep it small so that quetions can be answered, etc.
